L'objectif de ce projet est d'explorer le concept ISA. L'investigation "Demonstration ISA" est simplement cela : la création d'une structure minimale ISA.
D'autre part je (Paulette) me suis aussi amusée à explorer les fonctionalités SEEK/ISA en copiant une partie du contenu de https://demo.fairdomhub.org/investigations/2, voir https://research-sharing.cesgo.org/investigations/58.
From https://fairdomhub.org/projects/75 : The SEEK is a web interface to a database of research "assets" organised in a hierarchical "ISA structure" (investigation-study-assay) [1]. These are further organised into projects and programmes.
- Programme = Overarching research theme (The Digital Salmon)
- Project = Research grant (DigiSal, GenoSysFat)
- Investigation = a particular biological process, phenomenon or thing (typically corresponds to [plans for] one or more closely related papers)
- Study = experiment whose design reflects a specific biological research question
- Assay = standardized measurement or diagnostic experiment using a specific protocol (applied to material from a study)
The main Asset types are
- Data file
- Model file
- Standard operating procedure (SOP)
A key benefit of the SEEK is that it provides context for research assets. Each asset's webpage has an interactive graph linking to related assets. Thus, simply sharing a link to an experiment (a Study) makes clear its purpose and broader motivation, shows the resulting data, and links to SOPs for method details.
SEEK ID: https://research-sharing.cesgo.org/projects/18
Public web page: https://www.france-bioinformatique.fr
Organisms: No Organisms specified
CesGO PALs: No PALs for this Project
Project created: 16th Jul 2020