Example Modelling Analysis

An excellent example can be found https://demo.fairdomhub.org/assays/7?graph_view=tree which shows how a Model can be added to this analysis, together with a model that can be simulated on the fly on https://fair-dom.org/jws-online/.

I actually copy this here and one can run the model from there.

SEEK ID: https://research-sharing.cesgo.org/assays/72

Modelling analysis

Paulette Lieby

Projects: Test_IFB

Investigation: Demonstration ISA

Study: Example Study

Assay position:

Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type

Organisms: No organisms

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Views: 1245

Created: 18th Sep 2020 at 12:57

Last updated: 18th Sep 2020 at 13:01

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