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Euryhalin teleosts can live in freshwater as well as in seawater. The success of their survival depends then on their osmotic acclimation capacities. The objective of my work is to describe acclimation processes in the salted water at the rainbow trout by a study coupling functional genomic and genetic approaches. From a first differential gill transcriptomic study, a list of candidates genes was established. This study also allowed to investigate the physiological answer to a hyperosmotic kinetics ...
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Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Yvan Le Bras, Olivier Collin, Cyril Monjeaud, Vincent Lacroix, Éric Rivals, Claire Lemaitre, Vincent Miele, Gustavo Sacomoto, Camille Marchet, Bastien Cazaux, Amal Zine El Aabidine, Leena Salmela, Susete Alves-Carvalho, Alexan Andrieux, Raluca Uricaru, Pierre Peterlongo
Date Published: 1st Dec 2016
Publication Type: Not specified
DOI: 10.1186/s13742-015-0105-2
Citation: GigaSci 5(1)
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Authors: Yvan Le Bras, Nicolas Dechamp, Francine Krieg, Olivier Filangi, René Guyomard, Mekki Boussaha, Henk Bovenhuis, Thomas G Pottinger, Patrick Prunet, Pascale Le Roy, Edwige Quillet
Date Published: 22nd Jun 2011
Publication Type: Not specified